Thursday, July 24, 2008

My man doesn't wear a flak jacket!

Barack Obama is having an awesome trip overseas! I'm so proud of him! I say we just skip the vote in November and just move him into the White House today! Did anyone catch his speach in Berlin? The crowd was ginormous! McCain is not looking quite as presidential riding around in a golf cart....


Anonymous said...

That was very funny, but just in case it wasn't a joke

...supporting Obama has led you to want to throw out the Constitution and the whole "election" or "representative republic" thing and anoint him as our president. Wow! Okay, honestly that threw me off enough to have to go back and re-read your comment and now I hope you're kidding or I just want to pick a fight or something.'s this? how much money did your man cost the American taxpayers who paid a lot of money for this trip? (by law the Secret Service are required to protect all major candidates and they're paid by us)And what was the point of a lap around the globe? He doesn't have power to do anything. It just spends a lot of money for some great photo ops. Hmm...I know you really like this guy, but I'm just a little weirded out by the lavish adoration he receives for a VAGUE message about "change". If you need some change, I have some in my purse. By the anointing, please, we're Americans.
-a message from The Wizard of Oz

Life Junkie said...

Dear Wizard of Oz,

To clarify, I was joking about skipping the election.

I can't how many times I've heard people complain about Obama not going overseas and extolling opinions on things to which he has no first-hand knowledge. Now that he's making an effort in that arena, the same people are critiquing the very thing the previously suggested.

I think there are people out there who have decided not to like Obama. For those people, it doesn't matter what he does because it can be twisted into a negative somehow.

Lastly, I am not afraid to put my opinions out there and let everyone know who I am. Why are your opinions masked in anonymity?

Life Junkie said...

....can't count how many times - COUNT - (can't type either) :)

Anonymous said...

When I was in Iraq, we were issued flak vests and told that we had to have them with us wherever we went. We weren't told that we had to wear them. So all the young Airmen carried theirs around by hand, or just draped it over one shoulder. Very cool. The older Airmen wore their flak vests. Not only is it easy to carry that way, but also because we knew that even though there was a very small chance of being shot at, the enemy was not going to warn us before the shooting started. Yeah, we didn't look cool like the younger ones, but we looked smart. Obama decided he would rather look cool too, and compared to McCain, he is cool. But unless his skin is impervious to bullets...
- your upside-down brother.

Anonymous said...

By the way, I don't think Obama is dumb or anything. I do think that his campaign is too much on image, not enough on substance.
And the people who criticized Obama for not having first hand knowledge of world events are not criticizing him for heading overseas for a fact-finding mission. If Obama had stuck to fact-finding, everything would be fine. You have to admit, part of his reason for going overseas is to campaign. I think that's wrong. You may say that his speech was not campaigning, but he would not be doing it if he weren't running for president. I don't see other politicians giving big media event speeches. Do you?

By the way, if I signed a comment either Demosthones or Locke, would you get the reference? I gave you Ender's Game, didn't I?
-your upside-down brother.

Anonymous said...

Talk about cult of personality. The only thing Obama has going for his is people strong desire for someone to make them feel better and help them get out of this mess(insert your own personal mess here). When a candidate can gather that many people around him that have no idea who he is and what he stands for makes me nervous about mob mentality and turns me away from the 'obvious' candidate.

Also, many people were complaining about his lack of overseas travel before his candidacy. Now his trips are just for political expediency so he can say, 'I've been there'. I don't give him credit for that.

Life Junkie said...

Obama definitely has charisma but he also has a lot of defined positions and I believe he has a firm idea of what he stands for and has been communicating that.

I know a lot of people got the creeps about his ability to amass a huge number of Germans in a public arena. The memories it invokes are obvious. Of course I wasn't alive in the 1940's to experience Hitler's power over the people and it's hard to imagine a man like that being popular. I can't believe that he started out the way Obama has, though. I can't think of two more different people....

P.S. I love all the comments! Keep 'em coming people!