Monday, September 1, 2008

Democrat Office Grand Opening

I was recently invited to the grand opening of a Democratic office in our town. This was a big thing because I live in a red state and there hasn't been an office in my city in many years. I went, even though I am an Independent, because I thought it would be fun and I brought the kids along.

While there I handed the camera off to my seven year old son and he actually did a great job. He was more interested in the displays than in the people but that's OK. Here's the results of his first photo journalist assignment:

I'm still checking this Sam Rasoul guy out. My initial impression leaves much to be desired. He's running against an incumbent (Bob Goodlatte) that, as far as I can tell has done a pretty decent job. Sam seems too polished and too young and too well off to be credible but I have to dig deeper into the issues to make a final decision.....

Our illustrious governor with the disturbing eye brows, Tim Kaine.

Our former governor running for the Senate, Mark Warner. My question to him is, "What have you been doing the past two years since Tim Kaine assumed your guberitorial responsibilities?" He's running against Jim Gilmore who's website I just checked out and it totally turned me off with it's negativity.

...and the Pièce de résistance.....


kasiaiscarly said...

i saw your 'give away' post on the PRGE blog, so i popped over :) alas, you are not spoiling me :( but i see you live in virginia,too (though i've never noticed tim kaine's eyebrows to be particularly creepy!). i live in hampton roads, where are you?

Unknown said...

I hope you'll keep considering Sam Rasoul. Although he's young, he's spent a lot of time learning about the issues, and talking with people all over the district. He's got some great ideas on health care, education, energy and the environment.

You say Goodlatte has basically done a good job, but in fact he has been a George Bush yes man, and I don't think that's good at all. He has voted with George Bush 95% of the time; he supports the war in Iraq, which is a huge mistake; he voted against expanding health care insurance for needy children; he reneged on his promise to step down after 12 years; and--this is what bugs me the most about him--he gets most of his campaign contriubtions from corporations and Political Action Committees, lobbyists that dictate how he should vote. Sam Rasoul vows NOT to accept such contributions. He represents real people. And I hope you'll consider voting for him.

Life Junkie said...

Thanks, Clifford! I am still considering both candidates so any and all information I can gather will help me with my decision.

RightsideVA said...

Life Junkie,

Information is key and the internet is a valuable resource. Also with having numerous newspapers operating websites it makes it easy to research candidates.

Unfortunately not all of the newspapers ask the questions or follow up questions as they should.

Please check the following link to some of the questions that SAM should be asked...