Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The reason I started this blog....

Way back, last October, my friend Julie convinced me I should start a blog so that I could participate in knitting exchanges. I didn't think I was ready for such technological advances but, she wasn't that computer savvy so I thought I would give it a shot. Here it is, six months later, and I'm addicted to blogging but haven't mentioned much about knitting or even done that many projects. I'm a total novice but enjoy it and hope to get better (I was talking about knitting but I guess it applies to blogging too). Towards that end, I have registered for a knitting convention. Don't laugh! Now I have to get serious because there's all this homework I have to complete beforehand. The convention is in June so I'm buckling down. Here are two projects, I've completed recently and want to show off. Everybody ooooh and ahhhhh.

This first one is a washcloth:

Check out the fine stichery......

This next one is a hat, obviously!

Now modeled by some crazy lady I found on the street:

Anyone know any good blogging conventions coming up? Maybe I'll go to one of those next.....

1 comment:

David A. Davison said...

You should check out if you are into knitting. I am not and found this place by mistake, but a cool site as well as BLOGS.